On Thursday, June 19, 2014, beginning at noon, Friends of the Parks Foundation will host a trail dedication and reception, to recognize the first segment of the Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail.  The Foundation will celebrate this milestone with a public ribbon cutting at the trailhead intersection of Crosby and Norrish Roads, Morison, IL.   Parking will be available at the Mt. Pleasant Township Garage and along Crosby Road.

Morrison Mayor Everett Pannier will dedicate the trail, as well as Senator Mike Jacobs from the 36th District of the Illinois General Assembly.

The public is invited to walk, run, or bike the new trail and partake in any or all parts of the dedication.  Soft drinks and light snacks will be provided.  Dogs are welcome to attend, and treats will be available at the reception for all of our four-legged friends.

Visit the new art installation, “Forest of My Three Words,” and write a three-words description of yourself.  Tie your ribbon to one of the bamboo “trees.”

Immediately following the ribbon cutting and reception, Rockford Park District will present its award-winning demonstration, “Birds of Prey.”  This fascinating program features an American kestrel, a great horned owl, and a barred owl–shown top-to-bottom, below.  These birds have all been rehabilitated from injuries and deemed unable to survive in the wild.  Over 30,000 people have seen a Birds of Prey exhibition over the past 20 years, and it has been honored as “Outstanding” by Illinois Park and Recreation Association.

American kestrel

horned owl

barred owl