On Saturday, August 20, 2016, Kiley sent a Facebook message to “those…going to the Whiteside County Fair today.”  She asked, ” Please wear your Team Shannon shirt to show your support, as she’s fighting for her life.”

Shannon Huizenga, Morrison, IL, was diagnosed with cancer this spring.  She was the Northside School Secretary.  Now she is hospitalized in Milwaukee, WI, in a desperate battle.  Her oldest daughter, Katelyn Barsema, 17, is with her.  Barsema is a Senior at Morrison High School. 

Her younger sisters joined “in a group community picture…at the big slide at 5:00 p.m.,” as Kiley suggested.  Abby Huizenga is 13 and began 8th grade this week.  Brooke Huizenga, 12, began 7th grade.

These 99 supporters generated shared hope and affection for Shannon Huizenga, during the closing day of the fair.  Huizenga’s 42nd birthday will be Thursday, August 25.

Kiley ended her request with, “Thank you for all of your continued support and prayers.”
