pband jellyEditor’s note:  Parents are encouraged to remind children to throw wrappers, straws, uneaten food, etc. into the paper bag and to discard it into trash receptacles. Each year there is a “litter trail” from the Crave Building.

The United Way of Whiteside County again will sponsor the “Let’s Feed Our Children” program during school summer vacation.  Volunteers will prepare free sack lunches, provided every week day at the Crave Building, 201 W. Market Street, in Morrison, IL.  Lunches are available for pick up from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

The start date is Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

Lunches on Monday and Friday will be prepared by Morrison United Methodist Church.

This is the 15th year that United Way of Whiteside County has provided this free lunch program to anyone needing a lunch, including adults, with no questions asked.  Last year in Whiteside County over 34,700 lunches were distributed.

The “Let’s Feed Our Children” program also is available in Fulton, Prophetstown, Tampico, Albany, and Thomson, IL.


The brown bag lunches include a

  • peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • 100% juice
  • fruit
  • snack bar
  • special treat.

Donations for this program can be sent  to “Let’s Feed Our Children,” P. O. Box 806, Sterling, IL  61081.

Would you like to volunteer to help prepare lunches?  Call the United Way of Whiteside County office at 815-625-7973 for more information.