On Sunday, September 18, 2022, on Main Street, Morrison, IL, people were encouraged to begin their downtown day with breakfast/brunch by Coach Tom Drosopoulos and his High School Wrestlers. The grapplers offered their annual, post-Paint the Town, sit-down, fundraiser. Pancakes, sausage patties, orange juice, and coffee were offered, at the intersection of Genesee and Main Streets.

The team displayed wrestling memorabilia this year. Thin, wood signs used to be displayed around the interior of the wrestling room. They are free for the taking. Black text painted on white slats showed “the names of Regional and Sectional winners and State qualifiers, from as far back as the 1970s,” noted MHS Junior Cameron McDonnell. “The last number tells how they placed. Names still are recorded and displayed in the Wrestling room.” Cameron will compete in the 220 lb class.

A variety of wrestling singlets are for sale for $5, emblazoned with a capital M or the word Morrison. Contact Coach Drosopoulos at 815-718-1754 for uniforms or signs representing past successful Morrison Wrestlers.