Photos were submitted by MHS Key Club Advisor Brian Bartoz.

Prior to the annual Kiwanis Club Community Easter Egg Hunt, over 1400 eggs are prepared by volunteers every year. In addition to candy in all eggs, many also contain folded slips of paper announcing prizes. These range from kid-oriented reading books, fun activity books, and coupons for treats at DQ Grill & Chill, Family Chef Restaurant, Happy Joe’s Pizza, and McDonald’s. Plus, two special Easter baskets will be awarded in each of four age groups.

Collaboration has long existed between adult Kiwanis Club members and service-oriented Key Club student members, including “sandwich corner” food sales. Brian Bartoz is the Advisor of the Morrison High School Key Club. On Saturday, March 23, the youth will play several rolls during the Kiwanis Community Easter Egg Hunt, beginning at 10:00 a.m. One task is to assist Easter Bunny. Another is to strew plastic eggs around the designated “search” area. Then, opened eggs are placed into bags for next year’s happy event.

In the High School cafeteria on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., a dozen Key Club members and 10 Kiwanis Club members combined forces to stuff over 1400 plastic eggs–in just one hour!