KudzuIllinoisDo you know “What Has Wandered into Your Woods?”  This is what Kudzu does to an Illinois woodland.  Discover how to mange invasive plants at a workshop on Friday, February 1, 2019, from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Registration starts at 8:30.  Register by Tuesday, January 29, at www.TreesForever.org /WanderedIntoYourWoods.  The $10 registration fee covers lunch and handouts.

Native plants provide more benefits for the environment than non-native plants, including better food and habitat for animals and pollinators.  Help protect our native ecosystem by removing invasive species and implementing sound land-management practices.

The venue is EB Lyons Interpretative Center and the Mines of Spain Recreation Area, 8991 Bellevue Heights Road, Dubuque, IA.  The 1432-acre recreation area is located along the southern edge of Dubuque; the eastern boundary is formed by the Mississippi River.  Access to the Mines of Spain  and E.B. Lyons is off Highway 52 South, which intersects with Highways 61/151 on the south side of Dubuque.

For more information contact Emily Swihart at eswihart@treesforever.org or call 563-260-1000.
