Perhaps that’s not accurate.  Perhaps I should have said, “We need to rescue our Democracy.”  However, one party at a time.  So, I suggest starting with the GOP.

I had been a Democratic activist and Precinct Committeeman until I was elected Republican Precinct Committeeman in South Beloit, WI.  I ran in order to defend Congressman John B. Anderson from a Wasco, IL, right-wing preacher, who was trying to unseat him in the GOP primary.  Anderson was a fiscal conservative but socially rather liberal.  He seemed to be a guy who wanted Government to take care of the economy, promote education, keep people working, and to keep Government out of their bedrooms.  
This is not good enough for today’s GOP.

We moved to Thomson, IL, and again I was elected Republican Precinct Committeeman.  York Township was a huge precinct.  If I could talk just one other committeeman into voting with me, I could determine all the officers for the County GOP.  I played nicely:  let them make me a Delegate to the State Convention, and they could keep their offices.

U. S. Senator Charles Percy was the featured speaker.  He had defeated a hero of mine, Paul H. Douglas.  I had worked hard for Senator Douglas, who was seeking his third term.  I admired Senator Douglas.  A Quaker and a combat Marine, he had lost the use of his hand fighting the Japanese.  He told a group of Rock Island, IL, Democrats that he would not support legalizing gambling, prostitution, or pornography in order to tax it.  He went through the history of the Louisiana Lottery in all its sordidness. 

He told them that if that is what they wanted, “…then find another candidate.  Don’t vote for me.”

The Party Chairman took Douglas everywhere local Democrats needed help, but never where he needed to campaign.  Douglas, “The Conscience of the Senate,” lost.

Lynn Martin succeeded John B. Anderson.  I’d been to a number of affairs at her Rockford, IL, home and got to meet and visit with Senator Percy.  The more I got to know him, the more I liked him.  At one meeting they were all yelling about President Nixon being impeached and how wrong it was.  Senator Percy did not mince any words in telling them just exactly why Nixon was impeached.  He stated he would have voted to convict Nixon if he hadn’t already resigned.  At the State Convention, Senator Percy gave a passionate speech about the need for a “big tent” Republican Party and no social issues “litmus test,” for who is in and who is out.  The Party didn’t listen, and the Senator was not re-elected.  I rejoined the Democrats.

Most people, regardless of party, don’t go to extremes.  Most people are not political junkies; they have better things to do with their lives.  They probably prefer a Government that solves problems, to one that creates them.  By now, I believe they are tired of “divided Government.”  I believe they are tired of “political theater” and stalemate.  I believe they are tired of just hating Obama. 

However, because of the primary system, Republican candidates will be coming out of the same crazy mold.  The only hope I see for a rescue of the GOP is if they not only don’t capture the Senate, but loose the House as well.  The shock just may be enough for them to shake off their extremism and put an end to their neo-McCarthyism.

As a Democracy, we need to have a choice between the better of the candidates and not have to decide between the lesser of two evils.