Written by Arthur Donart, Ph.D.

DealJudging from the spin, President Donald Trump’s trip abroad was a smashing success.  I guess it all depends on how you define “success.”

He went to Saudi Arabia and was greeted like a king, by a king.  He must have loved it.  King Salman must have studied Trump well.  I doubt The Donald wasted much time studying Saudi history or its king.  I doubt he realized that the House of Saud has been–from the beginning–in a strong, symbiotic relationship with Wahhabism, which is an extremist Islamic sect.  Nevertheless, ignoring the slaughter they are causing in Yamen, Trump pranced out of there, promising to sell them $110 billion in weapons–all the while affirming Iran is a mutual enemy.

  • From a Saudi point of view, it was a great success.  They get to buy the weapons they want and are assured we will not play nice with Iran.
  • From the arms industry’s point of view, it was a huge success.  Big profits are coming their way.
  • The hardliners in Iran are happy, too.  They don’t like President Hassan Rouhani or his “engage-with-the-West” policies.

So who are the losers?

  • People in Yamen being killed by Saudis with their new, made-in-America toys.
  • Moderates in Iran who prefer trade over raid.
  • Sane people who think bringing peace to the Middle East–by saturating it with more weapons–is like putting out a fire by pouring kerosene on it.
  • Perhaps Saudis who are tired of living under a dictator, a.k.a. king.

What are the alternatives?

Attempt to alleviate some of the hostility between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  It would be better for everyone if all nations in the region could live peacefully and cooperatively, within their own borders.

Our Government could renounce coercion and subterfuge, in favor of dialogue and cooperation.  Then, conceivably, we could be on better terms with Iran.

It would be a great example for the world.  It might even catch on.  Oh, but our arms industry would hate us!