RockofAgesFor the fourth year in a row, the Illinois Arts Council awarded Timber Lake Playhouse a grant, to create a paid apprentice program for area teens interested in pursuing careers in the theatre arts.  TLP is accepting applications for the apprenticeship program through Monday, June 22, 2020.

Operating in its 59th season, TLP hires performers, directors, and designers from around the Country.  The apprentice program is designed to immerse pre-college teens from Northwest Illinois in all aspects of professional theatre production.  Rather than volunteering their time, the grant provides youth an hourly pay rate comparable to other summer work.

Interested youth should send a letter of application with an artistic statement and a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with their work to

“It is important for TLP to offer programming to area teens,” said TLP Education Director, Robert McFletcher-Jones.  “We expect some very talented high school students to apply for these positions.”

“With this summer’s closures, we have focused a lot of our efforts to online offerings and social media,” said Dan Danielowski, TLP Executive Director.  “Teens with computer skills will be especially needed for this summer’s work at TLP.”  They will be chosen based on an artistic statement, letter of recommendation, and interview.  Priority will be given to this year’s high school Juniors and Graduates; those already accepted to university programs; those who have demonstrated a clear commitment to pursuing a career in theatre.  “The program lasts ten weeks and provides experience in all aspects of running a theatre.”

Watch Timber Lake Playhouse’s website for information on upcoming concerts and productions.  The new Virtual Education Department recently announced summer offerings.  For more information, tickets, and to register for classes, visit  Call the box office at 815-244-2035 Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

All performance dates and times are available online.