BakedHamIt is hard to believe the Holidays are just around the corner!  Once again, Lions Club members are selling fresh, fully-cooked, smoked, and boneless hams.  Exact sizes for the hams cannot be guaranteed, but will range from six-to-ten pounds (small) and 11-to-22 pounds (large.)  Thanksgiving orders must be received by Sunday, November 4, 2018.  Delivery will be on Friday, November 16. 

Christmas orders for large hams must be received by Sunday, November 4, for delivery on Wednesday, December 19. Orders for small hams for Christmas must be received by Thursday, December 6, with the delivery on Wednesday, December 19.

Orders can be placed with any Lions Club member or by calling Jim Blakemore, 772-3744, Bob Smith, 772-2896, or Flora Stralow, 772-4874.

Candy Day was held on Friday and Saturday, October 12 and 13.  A big thank you is extended to all who contributed for this worthy cause.  A portion of the funds collected is sent to the Lions of Illinois Foundation and used for vision and hearing programs.  The balance is retained by the club for vision, hearing, and community needs.

The annual donation to Eversight was approved.  Lions partner with Eversight, because they restore sight through the healing power of donations, transplantations, and research.

The club recently completed cleanup of a one mile stretch of Route 30 east of Morrison.  Road Cleanup Lions and Volunteers left-to-right  are, front row, Tracy Muur and Lynn Wiebenga; second row, Beth Wroble, Nancy Countryman, and Sue Costello; third row, Aaron Johnson, Jim Blakemore, Bob Countryman, and Terry Costello; back row, Steve Wroble, Ken Jansma, Keith Hamstra, and Kelvin Tenboer.  Denny Countryman volunteered and was the photographer.

Using funds raised from generous community donations, a new cot for the Nurse’s room has been placed at Southside School, to replace one that had seen better days.  Nurse Donna Boonstra, left, is shown with Lion President Darlene Smith.
















Lynn Wiebenga, center, who has been actively involved with club activities, was inducted into membership.  At left is her sponsor, Martha Kophamer.  Wiebenga was installed by President Darlene Smith, at right.


Two members of the Morrison Club attended a meeting and demonstration of the Child Vision Screening Machine, recently purchased by the Thomson Lions Club.  This camera will check the vision of children from six months to age six.  The simple vision screening can detect six vision problems in this age span that very probably would not be detected by parents.  A well-known fact is, preschool children have vision problems that could be successfully treated if discovered at an earlier age.  The Thomson Lions Club will willingly share this camera with other clubs.  Watch for more information.

Karla Burn was in charge of the program on Tuesday, October 2, and introduced Tori McDaniel, Executive Director of the Whiteside County Public Transportation program and Whiteside County Senior Center.  Her presentation included information on the availability of transportation in Whiteside County and services available through the Senior Center.  There are 20 vehicles, both large and small, available with lifts for people of all ages.  They provide transportation to school, take people to work and appointments, and drive adults to gain higher education while attending Sauk Valley College.  During 2017, 50,000 rides were provided, and riders traveled 300,000 miles.  A nominal fee is charged to those making use of the service.  The program is funded through State and Federal grants, which are then matched by local funding.  The vehicles travel to Dixon, IL, and around the County and will travel to Clinton, IA they go to Rockford, IL, twice a month.  McDaniel also discussed services available at the Senior Center.  Meals are served Monday-through-Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at a cost of $6.  Programs and daily activities are also offered, and help is available to Senior citizens with filling out forms, providing information for other programs, finding needed items, and paying rent if one is unable to pay.  Many of the services are income based.  The center also gets funds raised at the Emporium Thrift Center in Sterling, IL, where used items are donated and sold.

Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon, at Happy Joe’s Pizza, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  We invite anyone interested in learning more about Lions to attend our meetings.  Visit our club’s website at