The Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP), is an Illinois Freemasonry Charity. In association with local Dunlap Lodge #321 and Morrison Northside and Southside Schools students completed this year’s Bikes for Books program. Two bicycles were awarded during the schools’ Field Day celebration.

IMCAP’s goal of the Bikes for Books program is to encourage local Masonic Lodges to partner with their schools, in a fun, reading-based endeavor to win a bike and bike helmet.

The schools’ Staffs were both extremely enthusiastic and supportive of the program, which was evident by the programs results. A total of 413 students participated in a ten-week period, reading 1886 books! The Lodge congratulates both the students and faculty for their success.

Dunlap Lodge would like to thank Principals Andy Harridge and Matt McCormick and their wonderful Staffs, who encouraged their students to enjoy reading during the program. Their efforts were not lost, as noted in the smiles of the students.

Left-to-right are Principal Andy Harridge and Dunlap Lodge members Dave Moeller, Wade Kaufman,and Bob Shambaugh, with bike winner Ethan Richards.

Left-to-right are Principal Matt McCormick and Dunlap Lodge members Dave Moeller, Bob Shambaugh, and Wade Kaufman, with bike winner Halon Patton.