Shopping bagFill a bag.  Feed families.  Collect and bag nonperishable food items to support the National Association of Letter Carriers’ “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive on Saturday, May 11, 2013. 

Non-perishables include canned meats and fish, soup, juice, vegetables, fruits, pasta, cereal, rice.  Please do not include items that have expired or are in glass containers.

Place bags by your mailbox, and your letter carrier will deliver them to a local food pantry.

In 2012, Morrison, IL, Postal staff collected 2500 pounds of food stuffs and donated them to the Morrison Friends Food Pantry.  They look forward to another successful food drive.

Letter carriers in area towns will donate their collection to those communities.

Contact Morrison, IL, Postmaster Bill Borum at 815-772-3311 if you cannot be home to donate on Saturday, May 11.