On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, Congressman Eric Sorensen released the following statement on his decision, to vote against the House GOP’s proposed legislation to fund the Government.

“Congress has an important responsibility to keep the Government open for the American people,” said Sorensen.  “I just spent the last month traveling the District meeting with veterans, First Responders, Law Enforcement, Seniors, and farmers.  The proposal in front of [us] is $12 billion short for veterans’ health care; cuts FEMA funding as we head into hurricane season and deal with flooding in places like we had in Fulton County; under-funds the Social Security staff, who make sure our Seniors get their benefits.  My team works every day to help our Seniors receive their benefits, and this proposal hurts them.

“I will not support any bill that leaves behind our veterans, Seniors, or men and women in Law Enforcement.  Let’s pass a bipartisan bill that takes care of our neighbors.”