RuthannShambaughBob and Nancy Shambaugh, Morrison, IL, proudly announce the graduation of their daughter, Ruthann Shambaugh, from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, IL.  On Monday, May 9, 2016, she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary/Middle School Education.

Shambaugh received her first Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Illinois University in 2005 and an Associate’s Degree from Sauk Valley Community College in 2003.

She is a graduate of Morrison High School.

While attending Northeastern Illinois University, Shambaugh participated in the MSTQE Program (Math and Science Teachers equal Quality Education) and the international education honor society, Kappa Delta Pi.

She was graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.9 grade point average.

Shambaugh plans to teach math, science, or social studies in a suburban Chicago middle school.