Vote to Name the Arconic Eaglets

Vote to Name the Arconic Eaglets

Editor’s note: Photos were taken Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Voting is now open on the website to name the 2020 eaglets.  Voting will continue through Thursday, May 14; people can only vote once.  The winning names will be...
Liberty’s First of Two Eaglets Hatched

Liberty’s First of Two Eaglets Hatched

Editor’s note:  Watch live-stream activities in the aerie above the Mississippi River at  View a trio of Bald Eagles sharing a nest and care of two eaglets above the Mississippi River, near Fulton, IL,...
View the Trio Bald Eagle Nest Activity

View the Trio Bald Eagle Nest Activity

Stewards of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge display live streaming views of an aerie that serves three, adult Bald Eagles and two offspring.  The Trio Bald Eagle Nest that is located in the backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish...
Turkey Family Out for a Walk

Turkey Family Out for a Walk

Gerald Brown lives at 14236 Lister Road, Morrison, IL.  He photographed this turkey family on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. “This is our Lister Road traffic, during COVID-19 shut-in.”
Liberty’s First of Two Eaglets Hatched

Liberty Lays the 2020 Egg

Editor’s note:  Watch live-stream activities in the aerie above the Mississippi River at A new season of birth has begun for an internationally-known pair of American bald eagles, Liberty (female) and...