Library Free Seeds Kick Off Events

Library Free Seeds Kick Off Events

Ready to plant your garden?  Stop by your local Whiteside County Library and check out the assortment of free seeds to get started. Whiteside County Master Gardeners will be on hand at local libraries, to talk about container gardening and to answer all your...
What Has Wandered into Your Woods?  Workshop

What Has Wandered into Your Woods? Workshop

Do you know “What Has Wandered into Your Woods?”  This is what Kudzu does to an Illinois woodland.  Discover how to mange invasive plants at a workshop on Friday, February 1, 2019, from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Registration starts at 8:30. ...
Register for Master Naturalist Training Wait List

Register for Master Naturalist Training Wait List

Calling all nature lovers!  Enhance your love of nature through hands-on learning and community-based service. Practice lifelong learning and sharing.  Give back to nature.  Become a Master Naturalist. We hope to start a Master Naturalist training this...
January 29 Succulent Wreath Webinar

January 29 Succulent Wreath Webinar

“Succulent Wreaths,” a program presented by University of Illinois Extension, will be held on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.  Join Extension Educator Bruce Black to learn about Succulent Wreaths: their biology how to build one their care. The webinar will...
Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop January 19

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop January 19

University of Illinois Extension will host a Fruit Tree Pruning workshop on Saturday, January 19, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The location is Super Wash Training Center, 707 W. Lincolnway,  and Morrison, IL. Extension Educators Bruce Black and Grant...