Garden Off Garden Plain Is Featured

Article and photos submitted by Sharon Moore. Morrison Garden Club’s Featured Garden is the “Garden Off Garden Plain.” Like the colors of a rainbow, the gardens’ inhabitants burst forth in color–for this is no plain garden. Morrison Garden Club is...

Garden of the Month: Don and Bonnie Reed

Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey submitted this report and photograph. The beauty within the yard of Don and Bonnie Reed earned July 2022 Featured Garden recognition from Morrison Garden Club. Their home is at 13012 Locust Court, Morrison, IL.

Rotary Club Pollinator Garden

On pages 13-15 of the “Illinois Farm Bureau Partners” Summer 2022 issue, is an article that demonstrates how farming plays a vital role in promoting beneficial bees, butterflies, and more. Kim Hill contributed the article “The BUZZ about...

The Maples Never Disappoint

This series of glowing Maple trees was taken Saturday afternoon, October 30, 2021, along E. High Street, bordering Grove Hill Cemetery, in Morrison, IL.  Poets have often felt the same wonder with autumnal coloration. “Fall, Leaves, Fall” by Emily Bronte:...

Morrison Garden Club Plant Sale May 15

Morrison Garden Club is pleased to have a Plant Sale this year!  The event will be held Saturday, May 15, 2021, , from 8:00 a.m. until noon, in the City of Morrison Community Room, at Odell Public Library.  The address is 307 S. Madison Street, in Morrison,...