The recent warm weather has certainly caused our gardens to spring into action. As you anticipate what changes and improvements you wish to make, consider coming to the annual Fulton Plant Sale on Saturday, May 13, 2023. It will be at Cattail Park, just north of...
Join Whiteside County Master Gardeners and discover the joy of plants. The “Saturday with a Master Gardener” series will start with the February 11, 2023, program, “I Drank What?” Pick your poison, and get to know the more infamous plants and...
Over several months in 2022, Rotary Club of Morrison, IL, prepared a patch unused ground and built a Pollinator Garden. Operation Pollination and the Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund provided grant funding for the seeds. Their goal is to benefit pollinators and other...
Morrison Garden Club President Sharon Moore submitted this press release. Many of us in Morrison, IL, have lost trees due to storms and disease. Morrison Garden Club would like to help encourage residents to replace some of those trees. The club is sponsoring a...
Morrison Garden Club member Sharon Moore submitted the press release and photo. Just over a year ago, in 2021, Morrison Garden Club was able to provide funds for the plantings of the Island Garden, at the front entrance of Morrison Community Hospital, 303 N. Jackson...