Pope Francis Strikes Again!

In an article by Joshua J. McElwee, published on Thursday, October 31, 2013, by The National Catholic Reporter titled “Vatican Asks for Parish-Level Input on Synod Document,” he reports that Pope Francis is asking the world’s Catholic bishops to...

A Holiday to Celebrate a Genocidal Murderer!

What would you think if Germany decided to create a holiday to celebrate its great World War II leader, Chancellor Adolph Hitler?  What would the world think?  Perhaps Uganda should have an Idi Amin Day.  What do they have in common?  Genocide. No...

Syria: Is Force the Only Option?

I remember well General Colin Powell presenting his charts and irrefutable evidence, proof positive, that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and must be “taken out.”  Yes, he was a ruthless dictator. However, he was [also an] ally,...

Humpty Dumpty and the Brotherhood

Nursery rhymes are more instructive than many people are willing to acknowledge, although I don’t know if today’s generation is all that familiar with them. So, I will include this one:  “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great...

GOP and Muslim Brotherhood: Two Peas in the Same Pod

One might be inclined to think that the Republican Party (GOP) and the Muslim Brotherhood are about as opposite as any two entities could be.  However, that certainly is not the case.  They are so alike!  Let me count the ways. Both consider themselves...