When you are wrong about the Bible, people get hurt. This is especially true when you are a preacher. This is even more severe when a teaching of the church is based on an erroneous interpretation of Scripture–Old Testament or New. ...
The Clinton, IA, Democratic Party held its annual Labor Day picnic at the Eagle Point Park lodge this Sunday, September 6, 2015. Local labor leaders and politicians were in abundance. I attended in my clerical attire, as a reminder that, since Pope Leo...
The State of Illinois is in poor fiscal shape; there’s no disagreement about that. The State needs about $4 billion dollars more than it is expected to take in this year. Had Governor Bruce Rauner agreed to extend the expired income tax increase, the...
For too long, we have looked the other way and have been “politically correct,” by not being honest about the Confederate flag. We have not wanted to hurt others’ feelings. Perhaps we thought the problem would eventually go away. It hasn’t gone...
It seems like the daily news regularly reports that some jihadi somewhere blows himself/herself up killing countless others in the name of God and their religion. Jihadi, or jihadist, refers to a person who believes that an Islamic State governing the entire community...