Medicare for All is Too Expensive! Or Is It?

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is fourth in a series. Political opponents of Medicare for All (M4A) will tell you that it is a nice concept, but unachievable, because it would be too expensive and explode the Nation’s debt. ...

How Medicare for All Can Increase Your Pay

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is third in a series. In a competitive market for goods and services, one has to be careful about increasing prices, because a slight increase may cost them customers.  Especially when money is tight,...

Employer Based Health Care vs Medicare for All

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is second in a series. Originally I was all for my employer picking up some, if not all, of the cost of my health care insurance.  It made sense.  If my employer gave me a $1 an hour raise,...

At Least Our Legislators Don’t Throw Animal Entrails

I like news.  I start my morning reading a newspaper.  Besides “reading”, I subscribe to one daily newspaper and one weekly, and I receive one weekly at no cost.  I regularly watch fact-telling news commentators on one...
Beating the Strawman:  If I Only Had a Brain

Beating the Strawman: If I Only Had a Brain

The essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D.  It is first in a series. “The Wizard of Oz” is a classic, and so is the strawman, Scarecrow.  Politicians also love using a “Strawman.”  Building a strawman means simply...