Chaos or Solutions: Our Problems and Our Choice

This essay was submitted by Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. The political season is here already, thanks to being so close to Iowa. Unfortunately, we are bombarded with all the political ads of G.O.P. Presidential wannabes. These ads do give us some insight into the...

What Would be a Christian Response to LGBTQ?

This essay was written by Deacon Arthur C. Donart, S. F. O.; Ph. D. It may sound like a silly question. However, given the fact that there are so many different answers coming from denominations and people who identify as being Christian, I thought it would be worth...

When Is a Newspaper Not a Newspaper?

Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D., wrote this essay. Recently I received a copy of The Epoch Times in the mail. At the bottom of the front page in bold print was this, “Accuracy & Integrity: The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal...

Negative Political Advertising: Would a Politician Lie to You?

Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. wrote this essay. “Would a politician lie to you?” I asked my friends at the Coffee Shop. They said, “Stupid question.” “They’re all a bunch of liars.” I responded, “Then why are you going to vote for them?” That ended the...