
Prior to the varsity contest, Amboy’s Tyson Powers was recognized for becoming the seventh all-time scorer in the Clippers history.  Following the recognition, he attacked the Mustangs and outscored (26 points) the entire Morrison team in a 35-24 Mustang loss.

Morrison  3 – 5 – 6 – 10 = 24

Amboy    10 – 10 – 11 – 4 = 35

Morrison scoring:

B. Deter 0,0/0 = 0, A. Volckmann 5 (2-3 pt),0/0 = 12, A. Weeks 1,0/0 = 2, M. Wilkens 0,0/0 = 0, K. Meurs 2,1/2 = 5, 0,1/2 = 1,H. Hamstra 1,2/4 = 4, S. Ferry 0,0/0 = 0