Planning is underway for the 2016 Morrison Youth Baseball and Softball season, for boys and girls in grades 1st through 9th.  Registration opens Tuesday, March 1.  Forms will be accepted online at and at player evaluations. Registration closes Thursday, March 31.

Player evaluations for 1st through 5th graders are Saturday, March 19, anytime from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Morrison Junior High School, 305 E. Winfield Street, Morrison, IL.  Evaluations should only take 20 to 30 minutes.  If you have a scheduling conflict with the March 19 evaluations, please note that on your registration form or talk to a board member.


Evaluations are designed to help the league balance its teams during the subsequent player draft, which promotes competitive parity among the teams.  Player evaluations never cause players to be excluded from participation in the league.  All registered players will be placed on a team in his or her division.

Player draft will be Monday, April 4, and teams will be posted on the MYBS website and Quickscores site that week.

If you are interested in coaching, please note your interest on the registration forms.  All interested persons will be considered by the board and must undergo a background check.  Our background check policy is available on our website.

Opening Day is Friday, May 13, at the Morrison Sports Complex.

Please visit MYBS’s website at for additional information and to sign up for text messages and/or emails for news and scheduling information.

MYBS will post updates on its Facebook page:

After this long winter, we want to see as many kids as possible running around those bases!  Even if your child has not participated in the past or is uncertain, bring him or her to the evaluations.  Meet the great volunteers and coaches that will help make this a fun season.