This essay was complied by Morrison Community Hospital CEO, Pam Pfister.

original hospitalThe first emergency health measures in Morrison, IL, were organized by the Women’s League in a residence they owned at the corner of Lincolnway and Genesee Street.  In 1930, Dr. W. J. Maurits opened an office on the first floor at 219 E. Main Street, with the Hospital operating on the second floor.  The plan was so successful that, the following year, it was turned into a regular hospital, organized as such on March 31, 1931.  It was known as the Morrison Hospital open to patients from all physicians.

The following ten years saw more and more people wishing to keep their families in their own community when hospitalized.  There was little opposition when the suggestion was made that a new Morrison City Hospital be built.  On June 10, 1942, (after donations and bond issues) the Morrison City Hospital was opened on N. Jackson Street.  It provided 16 beds for patients.

With World War II in progress and gasoline and tire rationing in effect, residents of the Morrison area turned to the new institution, instead of going to hospitals in neighboring cities.  They liked the hospital, and they stayed in such numbers, that it was soon evident the hospital was not adequate to service the Morrison area.  The hospital district was then formed, plans were drawn, and work started on the new community hospital.  Patients were moved into the new addition on November 11, 1954.  It included a new ER, Radiology, Laboratory services, and bed capacity of 32.   

Today, because of rural hospital designation requirements, Morrison Community Hospital bed capacity is 25, which includes a combination of acute and skilled care services.  The outpatient services consist of the Family Care Clinic, which was remodeled in 2007.

In the last 24 months the Emergency Services and Family Care Clinic have treated 28,856 patients.  The health care needs of these patients includes a multitude of injuries and illnesses, as well as many life-threatening medical emergencies: 

  • head injuries
  • seizures
  • septic shock
  • COPD
  • respiratory distress
  • heart related emergencies such as heart attacks and arrhythmia.

The recent addition of our new family practice physicians, Dr. George Georgiev and Dr. Risha Raven, provides greater access to primary care, which includes; Dermatology, OB/GYN, and T.R.U.E. Test allergy screening.  Developing a continuum of services for everyone–including the elderly–is a focus of our long-term strategic plan. 

Recent initiatives which enhance this continuum include our newest services:

  • rheumatology
  • vascular surgery
  • endocrinology
  • podiatry
  • ophthalmology services including cataract and glaucoma procedures.  

The Morrison Community Hospital Foundation Board will donate proceeds from this year’s fundraiser to future Emergency room upgrades.  Join us Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 5:30 p.m., at Rastrelli’s Tuscany Room, 238 Main Avenue, Clinton, IA.  There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres, rocking entertainment by “Coupe De Ville,” a live auction, costume contests, and 50’s-style drag races! 

Tickets are $45 each or a table of eight for $320.  Tickets are available at the hospital lobby front desk, Fitzgerald Pharmacy, and online at