Mustang Varsity and Junior Varsity Golfers topped Kewanee and Bureau Valley at Kewanee, IL, on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Ben Tegeler holed three birdies to earn Medalist Honors (35) at Kewanee. Morrison Varsity Ben Tegeler–35 Noah Hogue–39 Brock...
Cross Creek Golf Course, 15523 Henry Road, Morrison, IL, will host the 2014 Youth Golf Clinic. All participants must be at least six years of age. Clinic sessions are on Mondays from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. and run June 23, through July 21, 2014. The cost...
Mustang Golf Results Cross Creek Golf course September 23, 2013 MORRISON 193 Rock Falls 185 Newman 231 Colton Smith..41 Ben Tegeler..40 Brock Smith..42 Nick Kaufman..41...
Brock Smith shots a season low 39, but team can’t match Bruins. MORRISON: 169 Brock Smith 39 Colton Smith 44 Ben Tegeler 45 Noah Hogue 41 FULTON 179 ST. BEDE 164 JUNIOR VARSITY: MORRISON 197 C....
Chappell Hills Golf Course-Princeton, IL September 4, 2013 MORRISON…174 Colton Smith..42 Ben Tegeler..43 Nick Kaufman..44 Brock Smith..45 PRINCETON..169 ROCKRIDGE..191 Medalist: Zach Hicks (P)..38 Runnreup: Colton Smith (M)..42...