This open letter of Monday, July 22, 2024, is to the people of Morrison, IL, from the Congregation of Morrison United Methodist Church.

In the last year and a half, we have become aware of incidents in our town which have troubled us.  Our minister and her family moved here just two years ago to serve our church.  Unfortunately, they have encountered harassment, bullying, and name-calling, from groups of Junior High boys riding bicycles, who insult them and their young child.  This has prompted us to write to you–as a community–to help us stop this behavior.

Our ministerial family comes from South Korea.  Most of you know that the United States fought to protect the freedom of South Korea from Communist rule in the 1950s. The Country and people of South Korea honor, respect, and appreciate the United States.  They are among our allies in International affairs, and many of them, such as our minister and her family, are Christians.

They thought they would be welcome in a small American town, and, for the most part, they feel welcome.  However, our pride in our community is a bit tarnished at this point, due to the harassment from which they are suffering.

It is our hope that the good people of Morrison will join together to stop this type of behavior.  If you know who is responsible, please talk to them about it, and ask that they show respect to all people.  If you see something, say something.  Let’s put the pride back into our community.

Thank you!

Morrison United Methodist Church Staff Parish Committee:  Kathy Forth, Anne Frame, Ken Gooley, Sally Gray, Charla Olson, Denice Smith, and Deb Workman