Election Judge Denise Bramm stated, “It was the biggest turnout we’ve every had,” about the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, General Election.  “In the past we have [seen] over 600 voters.”  Citizens of all ages averaged 25 people an hour in a steady stream, throughout the day.  Two minutes before the polls closed at 7:00 p.m., two women completed their ballots.

Precincts Clyde, Mt. Pleasant 3, and Mt. Pleasant 4 tabulated 776 ballots.  That is 19 percent of the Morrison population.

Additionally, there were 36 first-time voters, ranging from age 18 to middle age.  Each one was acknowledged by applause, cheers, and clapping from the 14 Election Judges. A young-adult group who arrived together included four first-time voters!

Election Judges

CLYDE:  Pat Bramm, Andrea Dalton, Lisa Rogers, and Sue Sumption.

MT. PLEASANT 3:  Deborah Adolf, Judy Deter, Michelle Elms, Carole Patton, and Alice Senior.

MT. PLEASANT :  Denise Bramm, Jennifer Chambers, Helen Null, Christine Pilgrim, and Stephanie Vavra.