Keith James Bull was born in Morrison, IL, on March 9, 1958, the youngest child of Wilson Wilfred and Dorcas Knapp Bull. He was creative, funny, intelligent, inquisitive, interested, vital, kind, welcoming, steady, and true. Immensely capable of change, he delighted in making and remaking his environment and himself. He enjoyed reading widely, listening to and making music, and bicycling.

He is survived by his wife Catherine Bate Bull of Highland Park, NJ; sons Elias (Justice) Bull and Ethan Bull; siblings Cynthia Tisue, Katharine Bull, Christopher Bull, Sarah Bull, and John “Tony” Bull.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Keith Bull fund to promote New Jersey’s Safe Passing Law. Contact Trish Sanchez at or to the NJ Institute for Social Justice.