Let me count the ways.  Most obviously, the Department of Justice seeks to charge her for some violation of the law regarding her e-mails.  That’s too easy. Anyway, the matter is out of her hands.  Maybe she’ll embellish a story like being under fire while landing in Bosnia.  That was super dumb.  The Baron von Munchhauser would tell outrageous stories.  When questioned about them, he would ask, “Was you there, Charlie?”  When the answer came back, “No,” he would proudly state, “Den dat ist dee story.”  Unfortunately for Clinton, Charlie was there.  Please, Hillary, no dumb lies.  I don’t want to see The Donald in the White House.

More seriously, HRC’s appointees to the Democratic Party’s Platform Committee just shot her in the foot.  They voted against a plank to oppose the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty), out of deference to President Obama.  People are pissed over NAFTA and CAFTA, et al.  They have every reason to be.  As Bernie Sanders pointed out, “In the last 15 years, nearly 60,000 factories in this Country have closed, and more than 4.8 million well-paid manufacturing jobs have disappeared.  Much of this is related to disastrous trade agreements, that encourage corporations to move to low-wage countries.”  Galesburg’s Maytag factory is now in Mexico.  Thank you, Bill Clinton and NAFTA.  Yes, Obama’s approval ratings are  good; likewise, people do not want an “Obama Third Term.”  The status quo is rotten.

Again quoting Bernie, “Nearly 47 million Americans live in poverty.  An estimated 28 million have no health insurance, while many others are under-insured. Millions of people are struggling with outrageous levels of student debt.”  Unfortunately, millions are in jobs paying much less than they were making before the crash of 2008.  The economy rebounded for the big banks and hedge funds, but not for the rest of us.  Donald Trump has tapped into this well spring of discontent.

Will Hillary? If she doesn’t, she will lose.

The Donald will label “Crooked Hillary” as the establishment candidate.  Clearly, he is not.  Bernie points out, “…in our Country the top one-tenth of one percent now owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent.  Fifty-eight percent of all new income is going to the top one percent.  Wall Street and billionaires, through their ‘Super PACS,’ are able to buy elections.”  They buy elections so that they can have the laws made that favor them.  Simple as that.

We, in Illinois experienced this.  Billionaire Bruce Rauner bought himself the Governorship of our State.  It has been a mess ever since.  Please Hillary, no third Obama term.  Help lead the revolution.  We need real change, not tinkering.

Finally, we are tired of perpetual warfare.  Your easy acquiesce of the coup-d’ etat in Honduras leaves us in doubt about your expertise in foreign affairs.  Your advocacy for a “no-fly zone” in Syria and your vote for Bush’s invasion of Iraq are very worrisome.  Can you improve relations with Russia?  Turkey just did.  Can you stop Israel’s illegal settlements?  Can you accept the fact that not all countries want our billionaire democracy or economic system?  Can you cut the bloated Pentagon Budget, that takes 59¢ of every tax dollar?

In short, we need to know how you will achieve fairness in our economy and make our lives better.  If you can do it, maybe we will all win.