This editorial was submitted by Dr. Arthur Donart.

Recently, I got a call from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee asking if I would help, “take back the Senate.”  “There is a three-for-one match; for every dollar you contribute, it will be matched by three more,” I was informed.  I was going to reply, “Who’s doing the matching–Crooked Hillary or Putin?”

But that would have been sarcastic, so, I left it at, “Who is doing the matching?”

The fellow on the line responded, “I don’t know, but it is probably a Senator like Chuck Schumer or Diane Feinstein.  They are from big states and have big contributor lists.”  I responded, “I’m not particularly fond of either of them.  Senator Schumer is too friendly with Wall Street, and Senator Feinstein opposed Enhanced Medicare for All.  The Democrats are better off losing in November, than if they would win but can’t pass any legislation to help working people, because of Corporate Democrat defectors, who will side with the GOP like Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and Heidi Holtkamp, to name a few.  Then when you get to the 2020 Presidential elections, voters are going to be disgusted with the ineffective Democrats.”  He responded, “That’s a new insight.  I never thought of that before.”

I let him know that at least two days a week I sit and have coffee with the Trump voters.  They did not like going to the polls time after time, to try and figure out the lesser of the two evils.

They realize that if the GOP wins, we lose.  If the Dems win, we still lose.  Trump was a very different Republican.  He was not “politically correct,” nor was he nice.  He touted himself as being a winner.  “I like winners,” he stated many times at many places.  He promised to protect Social Security and Medicare.  He promised to get rid of Obama Care and that everyone gets “the best health care.”  He had a great slogan, “Make America Great Again,” which hinted at bringing us back to the golden days of the 50’s and a prosperous middle class.

All of this was pure myth and BS.  None of it has any real meaning to The Donald.  Same story:  we all lose again.

I told the caller that all the Democrats need to support Enhanced Medicare for all.  They need that, because it would improve everyone’s lives.  Farmers and small businesses are being crushed by health care cost.  Big Pharma and the Health Insurance companies have exploited the sick for too long.

Why is it that other countries can have health care for all but we can’t?  Ask our politicians taking money from the health industry.

Why can’t our Government enable everyone to have a decent job with a living wage?

Why don’t we wise up and start electing politicians that will put the common good before their own ambitions?

If we want problems solved, we had better start demanding results!  If there is anything to be learned from Trump’s election, it is this: swapping one stooge of the billionaire class for another is no solution!