One might be inclined to think that the Republican Party (GOP) and the Muslim Brotherhood are about as opposite as any two entities could be.  However, that certainly is not the case.  They are so alike!  Let me count the ways.
Both consider themselves to be “conservatives.”  However, their definition of conservative is flawed, at best, and at its worst shows that neither of these organizations has any real understanding of what it means to be conservative. 

The founders of our Country were true conservatives.  They did not trust people to have power.  Power was dangerous and corrupting.  Their experience was that of kings plunging their citizens into endless wars and taxing them into poverty.  No one should be trusted with such power–in their view–which is why they set up a government with checks and balances.  It is why we have three branches of government today.  However, they did realize that government was necessary to protect us from ourselves and outsiders.
Contrast this with the vision of the GOP and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Both see conservatism as a return to an idealized past that, in reality, never existed and, to the extent that it did, was far from satisfactory.  The Muslim Brotherhood, as the name implies, is a male-dominated organization where men make the decisions for themselves and women.  Their aim is to enforce their own brand of morality on everyone.  Similarly, the Republican Party, with a modicum of success in a few states, is hell bent on enforcing its brand of morality on everyone.  No abortion, no contraception, no same-sex marriage, and no ending life supports, such as in the Terri Schiavo case back in 2005.
The Muslin Brotherhood came to power, because the opposition was fractured.  Then, rather than share power and compromise in order to benefit the common good, they ruled with an “It’s my way, or the highway” attitude and sought more power while enriching their friends.  Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the Tea Party Republicans? 

Who benefits from the sequestration?  If you thought nobody, you’re wrong.  Stop and think, in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Trade there are accountants and lawyers, whose job is to see that there is no cheating on the taxes.  The cheats are the wealthy importers who support the Republicans.  So, the laid off accountants won’t be able to audit them to keep them in compliance with the tax laws.  Five years later, and they are not audited, they’re home free.  They’ve recovered their campaign contributions a hundred-fold, while the U. S. Treasury takes in less money to pay off the debt these “conservatives” claim to worry about.  Multiply this scenario a hundred times, and you will know why there is such a difficult time getting to a budget agreement.  Obviously, they would prefer a continuing resolution.
In the meantime, our men and women in the Armed Services suffer from the sequester.  The poor on food stamps suffer from the sequester.  The poor needing housing assistance and heating assistance suffer from the sequester.  Our friends and neighbors needing Medicaid suffer from the sequester.  The inequality between the wealthy ten per cent and the remaining ninety per cent continues to grow.  Like the Muslim Brotherhood, the GOP continue to inflict pain on the general population.
Finally, the people of Egypt rose up.  With the help of the Army, they took the power away from the Muslim Brotherhood.  My guess is that this will be another similarity.  Our Armed Forces traditionally have supported the GOP in election after election.  However, come November 2014, I think you will see a different result.

Come November 2014, I believe the American people will no longer be fooled by Tea Parties.  Voters will come to their senses and put an end to divided government.  The corporate super-pacs will not be able to tell enough convincing half-truths and smears, to maintain control for the oligarchs presently running and ruining our Country.