GolfBallClubJustin Stevenson, Morrison High School Business/Technology Teacher and Golf Coach, submitted the results of Tuesday, September 3, and Thursday, September 5, 2019, Varsity and Junior Varsity Golf Matches.

On Tuesday, Morrison  competed against Orion and Newman at Deer Valley Golf Course (Home) in Deer Grove, IL.  Varsity scores were Morrison 219; Orion 195; Newman 168.  Junior Varsity scores were Morrison 261 and Newman 209.  Newman finished first, Orion took second, and Morrison finished third.

On Thursday, Morrison competed against Princeton and Rockridge at Wyaton Hills Golf Course in Princeton, IL.  Varsity scores were Morrison 243; Princeton 151; Rockridge 165.  Junior Varsity scores were Princeton 181 and Rockridge 211.  Princeton finished first, Rockridge took second, and Morrison finished third.