President Leveda Ashlin submitted the press release.

Mark your calendars for the second Annual Turkey Trot to benefit the Morrison Food Pantry, NFP.  It will be held the Saturday after Thanksgiving, on November 30, 2024, at Morrison High School, 643 Genesee Avenue, Morrison, IL.  Start time is 9:00 a.m.  This is a Fun Run/Walk for runners, friends, and families.  Our phone number is 815-441-2733.

Log into the Morrison Parks & Recreation website to register, pay $20 fees, and request shirt sizes:

We ask that each participant bring a donated item for our Personal Care Section; such as paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex, laundry & dish soap (smaller bottles), and personal hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, disposable razors, soap and feminine hygiene products, etc. As the Pantry is running low on these items, this is great opportunity to help us stock up We rely solely on community donations for our inventory of these items.

If you wish to donate but can’t be at the Run/Walk, can call the pantry at 815-441-2733 and leave a message and phone number to schedule a drop off.   You can also drop items off at the Pantry on Wednesday mornings between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., or on Thursday mornings between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m.

As we start into the holiday season and the end of the 2024, please remember the Food Pantry in your community giving.  Year-ending donations are a good portion of the donations the Pantry receives.  Donations may provide a tax benefit to many of our donors, as a result of donating to 501c3 charitable organizations, such as the Food Pantry.  All donations are needed and will be greatly appreciated by local families; your donation will stay in the Morrison community.

The Cottonwood 4-H Club brought the Pantry a donation of $80 as well as food and personal care items from their annual Pantry Drive.  We thank them for their steadfast support.  Another example of our local young people giving back to their community is Ewan Wiebenga.  He donates personal care items to the Pantry every month.

We hope to see you at the Turkey Trot on November 30.  Come out for a fun time with family and friends and, in the process, help local families who are recipients of our local Food Pantry.  We appreciate all of you, who support us!