ConservePreserve2Rock Island County Soil and Water Conservation District will host a free conservation field tour, “Conserve and Preserve,” on Wednesday, August 22, 2018, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.

This tour will focus on local farms that employ great examples of conservation.  Included is an evening meal and presentations on other conservation methods.

The tour will include stops at a denitrifying bioreactor; nitrogen study; saturated buffer.  Followed will be presentations on nutrient management, cover crops, and water testing.

Registration will begin at 3:30 at the Reynolds, IL, American Legion, 501 N. Main Street, Reynolds, IL.  The event will conclude by 7:30.

Be sure to reserve your spot on the tour by Wednesday, August 15.  Call 309-764-1486, extension 3, or email  We hope to see you August 22.
