Following a 17-month hiatus, Clinton Symphony Orchestra makes “a joyous return,” to regular performances.  They begin on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at Vernon Cook Theater in Clinton High School, 817 8th Avenue S., Clinton, IA.

Maestro Brian Dollinger will bring his double bass to perform the Dittersdorf Sinfonia Concertante for Double Bass and Viola.  He will be joined by Western Illinois University violinist István Szabó.  Dr. Szabó will also perform a Fantasie by Hummel.  The orchestra will add “Dance of the Furies” from Gluck’s opera, Orpheus and Euridice, and a sparkling Mozart Divertimento.

All students are admitted free to concerts; they may bring one adult for a half-price ticket ($10.)  Purchase these at the Ticket Table at any performance.

Adult tickets are $20 at the door.  Season subscriptions for six performances are $90 (25% off the $120 price of six single tickets.)  Purchase at

In partnership with Community State Bank, the CSO offers a bus from Clinton, through Fulton, and Morrison, IL, to the concert in Sterling, IL.  The date is Saturday, November 6, at 7:30 p.m.  Call for reservations at 563-219-8084.