The Morrison Mustangs fell to a dominant team from Christian Life of Rockford in a battle for 13th place at the Forreston Holiday tournament on Thursday, December 13, 2012.

The Eagles jumped out to a 19-7 first quarter lead and extended it to 43-18 by halftime and coasted to the final 67-36 to end a busy week of basketball for the Mustangs.

MOrrison  7 – 11 – 10 – 8 = 36

C. Life    19 – 24 – 18 – 6 = 67

Morrison Scoring:

B. Deter 2,1/2 = 5, A. Volckmann 5,3/13 = 13, A. Weeks 0,0/0 = 0, L. Pepper 0,0/0 =  0, M Wilkens 1,0/0 = 2, K. Burn 0,0/0 = 0, B. Greul 2,0/0 = 0, C. Duncan 2,0/, = 4, T. Wierenga 2,0/0 = 4, H. Hamstra 0,0/0 = 0