Editor’s note:  Wikipedia states, “The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS) is a global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel, until it meets what the campaign describes as Israel’s ‘obligations under International law,’ defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories; removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank; full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel; ‘respecting, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties.’  The campaign is organized and coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee.”

PeacePrayerThe American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) is a very well-funded lobby, that purports to support legislation favorable to Israel.  In actuality, AIPAC blindly supports the policies of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is seeking re-election after being charged with accepting bribes.  AIPAC also purports to speak for American Jewry.  However, there are other Jewish organizations whose membership is quite critical of Netanyahu’s policies.

One such organization is JEWISH VOICES for PEACE.  Jewish Voices for Peace, along with a Palestinian Peace organization are successfully advocating Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against all Jewish businesses illegally located in Palestinian territory.  AIPAC is supporting Senate Bill 1, introduced by Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, which is called “Combating BDS Act of 23019.”  Likewise, AIPAC is smearing supporters of BDS as being anti-Semitic.  Since when is criticizing Israeli Government policyantisemitism?

Illegal Israeli colonies in the Palestinian West Bank are an obstacle to peace.  Israel is the recipient of more U. S. aid than any other Nation.  Yet, Israel has for decades ignored our leaders’ admonition to stop illegal settlements.  Israel has ignored United Nations resolutions consistently.  So why should not Jewish Voices for Peace and others have the right to BDS?

JUST FOREIGN POLICY, another peace organization, states:  “This [Senate Bill 1] calls on state and local Governments to withhold contracts from any individual or business that boycotts ‘Israel,’ where ‘Israel’ is typically defined as including the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank….Federal judges in Kansas and Arizona have ruled these types of laws to be in violation of our First Amendment right to boycott.”

J STREET, a third Jewish peace organization does not support the BDS movement, but, it does oppose Senate Bill 1.  It shares the same goals as Jewish Voices for Peace but prefers other, non-violent means to achieve the goal.

BDS was an important tool in bringing down the Apartheid government in South Africa.  The Grape Boycott lead by Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta succeeded in gaining recognition of the Farm Workers Union and a contract for better pay and working conditions.  Other unions and religious organizations supported the boycott.  The goal is to achieve justice by non-violent means.

Personally, I belong to Jewish Voices for Peace, although I am not Jewish.  I belong to J STREET as well.  Likewise, I belong to PAX CHRISTI which is a Catholic peace organization.  Some of my family is Jewish, and some is Catholic.  I have a number of Jewish and Muslim friends. While teaching at Presert-Islam School in Nonthaburi, Thailand, they had me teach Christianity, because I was a Catholic cleric and one-of-only-two Christians in the area.  Our community was half Muslim and half Buddhist.

I taught my students the Peace Prayer of St. Francis.  They all loved it.  We–Buddhist, Muslin and Christian–could pray the Peace Prayer together.  We need prayer and BDS to get us to our goal:  a peace based on justice and respect for all.

If you want to oppose Senate Bill 1, call 202-225-3121.