The host server used by experienced difficulties late Tuesday, January 9, and Wednesday, January 10, 2018. You may have been unable to access the site and received an error message stating “the disc is full.” That is absolutely inaccurate and not related to in any way–it is a default message when the host has technical service problems. They fixed them. However, the Editor resents “error messages” that blame the consumer/user for what is a defect in the provider’s product.

Years ago in Prophetstown, IL, the local telephone company did the same thing, whenever it was unable to handle the number of phone calls being made.  Callers were told the number they had dialed was “not in service” and to “please check the number and dial again.”  Blaming phone patrons for careless dialing was blatantly untrue and insulting.  The telephone company’s error message could have honestly explained there was over use on the line and to “please dial again shortly.”