begins a feature series to showcase original stories and story endings by young writers and to inspire others to write. The age range for submitting is eight to 16. No horror/violent stories will be accepted. Writers must submit their first...
These arrests are merely a chanrge, and he/she is presumed innocent until proven guilty. On 6-29-19 at 10:00 a.m., Andrew Ex, age 43 of Oak Park, IL, was stopped for Speeding 74/55 MPH on U. S. Route 30 near Fulton, IL. He was cited for the speeding offense,...
Have you noticed an oversized object being transported on a flatbed truck, along Whiteside County roads or U. S. Highway 30 this summer? That was one of 74 Nacelles Turbines being delivered through Whiteside County to the Green River Wind Farm. The new...
From the 500 block of E. Lincolnway to the west 600 block, U. S. Route 30 was confined to one-way traffic in alternating lanes, on Friday, July 12, 2019. The slow-down lasted approximately three hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00. “Two Licensed...
Morrison Chief of Police Brian Melton reports the following Arrests made and Citations issued since Friday, July 5, 2019. Arrests: No Arrests to report. The following Citations were issued. Date Name Age Address Violation Cited 7-06-19 Larry E. Hahn 50 Morrison,...