The Morrison Area Community Foundation (MACF) announces that a new round of grants will become available in October 2014. Grant applications must be submitted by Saturday, September 20. Guidelines, eligibility requirements, and applications are available...
Editor’s note: Parents of Northside School girls will receive an information letter about Scouting. Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois is making its back-to-school push for girls and adult volunteers to join Girl Scouts, the Country’s preeminent leadership...
The Opinions and Editorials page has languished, but you will find it freshly populated. There are five new articles from syndicated columnists. Two are first-time authors on–Ron Paul and Jason Staford. We will give them a...
Curt Schroeder had recently cut hay at his residence, 15505 Hazel Road, Morrison, IL. His land abuts my backyard. As I mow, I pass the soybeans he planted and overlook his corn, asparagus, and hay fields. On Saturday, July 5, 2014, I was struck by the view...
Gary M. Tresenriter, City of Morrison Director of Public Works, stated “A specialized piece of equipment the UP (Union Pacific Railroad) uses twice a year, to analyze the integrity of the track, has indicated these sections of track need to be replaced.”...