Nursing and Healthcare college scholarships are offered annually by the CGH Auxiliary and the CGH Health Foundation. There are two separate applications, both of which can be found at

The CGH Auxiliary awards annual $1000 scholarships to students who reside in the CGH service area. Students must have been accepted into their professional school of healthcare study and meet the criteria established by the Auxiliary. Last year five scholarships were awarded.

Return the completed form to the CGH Medical Center Auxiliary office no later than Thursday, June 15, 2023. Contact Deb Keaschall at 815-625-0400, extension 5727, or email for more information.

There are four CGH Health Foundation Nursing and Healthcare scholarships available with just one application. Awards range from $1000 to $3000. Residents of the CGH service area are eligible, including individuals living in Whiteside, Lee, Ogle, Carroll, and Bureau Counties.

The application deadline is Thursday, June 15, 2023. Students already accepted into their professional school of study for either a Nursing or Healthcare degree are eligible.

Go to Scan completed forms to Foundation Executive Director Joan Hermes at or drop them at 2600 N. Locust Street, Sterling, IL, or put them into the Foundation mailbox at the hospital.

For more information, contact Joan Hermes at 815-625-0400, extension 5672.