Editor’s note: This report is from the Quad City Times of Sunday, February 22, 2015.

wrestling shoesErie-Prophetstown Senior Austin Shoup wrestled to a dramatic third place finish at the Illinois Class 1A Sate Tournament on Saturday, February 21, 2015.  He began Friday, February 20, with the first loss of his season.  Overnight, Shoup found the focus and resolve to pin two opponents in the 195 lb class. 

One of those was Jordan Ladd of Illinois Valley Central, Chillicothe, IL.  He succumbed to Shoup in the second period of the third-place match.

Shoup finished his final season with 43 wins and one loss.

Erie-Prophetstown grapplers Jared Cole (145 lb) and Grady Todd (138 lb) placed fifth and sixth, respectively.

Tyler Fleetwood of Fulton, IL, finished fourth in the 106 lb class.  He narrowly missed third place.  Fleetwood fell to third-ranked R. J. Marreno of PORTA CUSC #202, Petersburg, IL.
