Kellie Kohl submitted this press release and photograph.

Morrison Vacation Bible was held June 24-28 , 2024, at Emmanuel Church, from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m.  We had 146 children registered.  Our theme this year was “Keepers of the Kingdom.”  Through crafts, games, and lessons the children learned about God’s Armor:  The Two Kingdoms, The Belt, The Breastplate and Shoes, The Shield and Helmet, and The Sword and Prayer.

Our mission this year was for God’s Will Giving Center, owned by Dave and Lori Snow.  The center gives household supplies, furniture, clothing, and just about anything a person or family in need would need.  The children were asked to do chores for the week to make some money to donate.  Our goal was $1000.  If this was reached, the children would get to squirt the Pastors on Friday.  Along with some generous donations, the children were able to raise $1817 for the Center and to squirt the Pastors.

We made some changes this year and will have a few next year as well, so we have a Survey available for some feedback. Check out all the fun that was had for the week!  Go to our Facebook page at to take the survey.  It will end on Friday, August 30.  So far, the feedback has been great, and we have heard it was our best VBS yet!  So, we have a lot of work to do for next year to make it even better, so all feedback is welcomed.

As with every successful event, it takes a lot of help, and we need to thank so many people.  Mark Pruis donated his time and the supplies to make all the shields for our crafts.  Tony Belha donated his time and material to make our banner that we hang to advertise.  Emmanuel Church let us use their building for the week.  Culver’s donated our snack on Friday night.  McDonald’s donated cups for our snack time. and Whiteside News Sentinel advertised our event.  Volunteers donated time, supplies, or money.  Morrison Ministerial Council helped pay for staff T-shirts and the cost of VBS.  (Thanks to them, we are able to offer VBS free to everyone.)

Our biggest thanks go to our Committee members:  Lydia Ohlsen, Kellie Kohl, Kathi Sipes, Craig Sipes, Lindsey Andersen, Allie Beals, Monica Anderson, Breah Sharp, Carole Patton, Michelle Goossens, Jennie Gowan and Deb Zigler.  We thank them for their time and dedication to putting VBS together and making it a fun week of learning God’s Word.