In Brief: 16 proposals submitted by member schools

IHSA Legislative Process:

1) Proposals will be reviewed by Legislative Commission on November 3. Commission provides feedback, helps get answers to any questions that may exist on proposal prior to Town Meetings (a submitting school can amend a proposal before town meetings based upon commission feedback).

2) Town Hall Meetings conducted at 28 high schools from November 6-19 by Legislative Commissioners.

3) Straw poll taken by Legislative Commissioner on each proposal at each Town Hall Meeting.

4) Second Legislative Commissioner meeting on November 24. Each Legislative Commissioner votes on each proposal based on straw poll from their Town Hall Meeting. Proposals with simple majority support move to all-school ballot.

5) All-School ballot released to schools on December 1, voting closes on January 6. One vote per school. Proposals with simple majority support become active on July 1, 2015 (unless a different date is noted within the proposal).

Proposal 1: (St. Bede) Allows IHSA Board to review non-approved foreign exchange programs and grant eligibility

Proposal 2: (Chi. Mt. Carmel) Allow one private school to private school transfer

Proposal 3: (Chi. Mt. Carmel & St. Rita) Allow an open house to be conducted at an off campus site

Proposal 4: (Naperville North on behalf of DVC and Upstate 8) Allow a student-athlete to attend two “College ID Camps” during season

Proposal 5: (Gurnee Warren & Neuqua Valley) Eliminates “dead week” scheduled to generally fall over 4th of July week. ***Note this dead week was passed last year to begin in 2015, so it has not actually occurred yet.***

Proposal 6: (Willowbrook on behalf of West Suburban Conference) Eliminates multiplier

Proposal 7: (Willowbrook on behalf of West Suburban Conference) Creates separate postseason classifications for boundaried and non-boundaried schools.

Proposal 8: (Chicago Christian) Creates second class for Boys & Girls Tennis

Proposal 9: (Sycamore) Creates Regions for football that determine regular-season scheduling and postseason qualification

Proposal 10: (Lincoln) Allows for one preseason scrimmage in all sports

Proposal 11: (Palatine) Changes first two of practice in baseball/softball to allow for pitchers & catchers only

Proposal 12: (Palatine) Changes baseball/softball from 35 allowable games to 25 allowable dates

Proposal 13: (Plainfield East) Extends track & field season to allow a “pilot” program for an unofficial team state meet after the IHSA State Series

Proposal 14: (Gurnee Warren) Allows girls tennis season to start one week earlier

Proposal 15 & 16: (IMSA) Allows Scholastic Bowl contests to take place year-round.

Questions?  Contact Matt Troha, Assistant Executive Director, Illinois High School Association

Office: 309.663.6377