Farmland treesWondering what to do with your 5, 10, or 20 acres? Explore alternatives to make those acres productive or to enhance their productivity. University of Illinois Extension Carroll, Lee, and Whiteside Unit has scheduled a workshop entitled “Putting Small Acres to Work,” to help you explore some alternatives for your land. The workshop will be held Saturday, November 1, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., at Sauk Valley Community College, 173 IL Route 2, Dixon, IL.  We will begin the day with our keynote presentation on Resource Management and Soil Health.  Participants can also choose two breakout sessions.

They include:

  • Organic Overview which provides information and resources on principles, practices, and certification
  • Integrated Pest Management 
  • Beekeeping:  Is it for Me and You?
  • Raising Backyard Chickens Right
  • Growing Herbs for Sale
  • Introduction to Composting.

The fees are $30 per person or $40 per couple and include lunch and handout material. Register by Monday, October 27, at you have questions or need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact our Unit Office at 815-835-2070.