The Clinton Peace Coalition, under the auspices of “Living Peace 365,” invites individuals, families, organizations, and people of all ages to join our 25th annual Stop the Hate/Show the Love celebration. For 25 years, the event has stood as a meaningful way for the community to gather, make a statement of hope, and witness to peace. Attendees are encouraged to bring posters that promote these ideas to the event. It takes place at Jefferson Elementary school, 720 4th Avenue South in Clinton, IA, on Thursday, September 28, 2023. This free event will begin with a time of gathering at 4:30 p.m., at the school. Participants will have the opportunity to make a drum and participate in the drumming circle.

The opening ceremony begins at 5:15, with Jefferson Elementary School Principal J. R. Kuch welcoming the group and Karl Wolf as emcee. Jefferson Elementary Chorus, directed by Chis Hicks, and the Clinton High School Chamber Orchestra, directed by David Rosales will perform. Next will be the drumming circle under the direction of the Women’s Drumming Circle.

After the performances, participants will join on a walk for peace along the Jefferson Elementary walking trail. Wristbands with the message “Living Peace 365” will be available for all participants.

The walk ends at the Jefferson Elementary Peace Pole, where Marion Johnson will share closing remarks paying a special memorial tribute to our long-time, dear, friend and peace advocate, Francie Bickelhaupt Hill. Seeds from the Seed Catalog at the Public Library will be available in honor of Francie. Because the Monarchs have begun their journey South, symbolic butterflies will be available for all participants. Karl Wolf will lead the group in singing “Let There Be Peace.”

The Mission of the Clinton Peace Coalition is, to promote a holistic approach to a peaceful lifestyle, through the education, collaboration, and cooperation of individuals, families, and the organizations and agencies of our Community. The Clinton Peace Coalition is comprised of representatives from Clinton Community College; YWCA Clinton; Sisters of St. Francis; Clinton Parks & Recreation; Clinton Community School District Diversity Committee, along with individuals from our communities for whom the promotion of peace is a passion.

For more information about the Clinton Peace Coalition, please contact Mardell Mommsen Flippen at Clinton Community College, at 563-244-7006.