The Savanna District of Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is accepting bids for grass hay harvest, on 150 acres within the Pleasant Creek Tarr Tract, Jackson County, IA. Bidding will be based on price/ton harvested.

All bids must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. CDT on Monday, July 31, 2023. Bids can be submitted in-person or by mail, email, or fax–but bidders must confirm the bids were received.

Individuals will be selected based on receipt of the highest bid per ton that is harvested. Payment is not due until the harvest is completed. All bidders will be contacted on Tuesday, August 1.

All haying and bale equipment removal is to be conducted from August 1 to Friday, September .

Yearly hay removal improves the quality of habitat within this management unit. [It also] enhances the growth of native vegetation and prevents encroachment of woody vegetation. This management unit is a primary stopover location for thousands of migrating waterfowl and shorebirds, in spring and fall.

Please contact Ed Britton at 815-273-2732 or email to obtain a haying bid package. It will provide detailed information of the program, bidding requirements, and expectations of the haying permittee.

Information and bid sheets can also be found on the refuge website: