Clinton Community College has received a donation of equipment from LyondellBasell Clinton Complex. The Fluke 744 documenting process calibrators will be used in the Advanced Manufacturing program, to train students for their jobs in area industries such as LyondellBasell.

Dave Wallace, below, is Instructor of the Advanced Manufacturing program, which will relocate to the new Career Advancement Center in Clinton, IA. Regarding this generous donation, Wallace said, “These process calibrators will allow students to practice real-world calibration with professional tools. We are grateful to LyondellBasell for providing our students with better opportunities to learn.”

Brian Williams, Maintenance Specialist for Electrical and Instrumentation at LyondellBasell commented, “Often the tools being utilized within our industry are not accessible to students for hands-on training. Having access to instrumentation calibration tools better prepares students to enter the industrial workforce. LyondellBasell Clinton Complex is dedicated to helping advance tomorrow’s workforce within our community.”

The Advanced Manufacturing program teaches students the processes and equipment associated with production, including mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic, and computers. Advanced Manufacturing graduates will be prepared for a wide variety of careers–including Plant Maintenance Technician, Process Controls Technician, and Quality Assurance Coordinator. Classes are flexible to meet the needs of students.

CCC President Dr. Brian Kelly stated, “We appreciate this generous gift and continued partnership with our friends at LyondellBasell. Our students gain valuable experience and have the opportunity to use the tools we are seeing in industry today.”

Clinton Community College is one of the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges. To learn more about Advanced Manufacturing and other programs, contact the college at 563-244-7001.

Dave Wallace displays “a baker’s dozen” Fluke 744 documenting process calibrators, donated to CCC Advanced Manufacturing from LyondellBasell.