The Opinions and Editorials page has languished, but you will find it freshly populated.  There are five new articles from syndicated columnists.  Two are first-time authors on thecity1.comRon Paul and Jason Staford.  We will give them a trial.  Let us know what you think of their writing, by commenting at the bottom of their articles. 

Do you agree or disagree that Americans should have mandatory paid vacations?  Read what Tom Purcell thinks about that.  Will Durst satirizes the splendors of summer.

Six updated editorial cartoons will provoke your thoughts on United States and international issues.  Immigration continues to be a prickly issue.   Tina Dupuy shares strong emotions.

The latest opinion poll relates to a cartoon on Nationalism.  You may be surprised, even offended, to know that central Europeans are uncomfortable with our public displays of the American flag.  Most do not fly flags in their yards or businesses,  Their view is that with so many small countries living so closely together–similar to our states–the preference is to not flaunt their Nation in the face of surrounding countries.  It is considered provocative and militaristic.  We know, as do they, that rampant Nationalism often turns into aggression against neighboring countries.